Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Jn 3:13-17)

The Holy Cross is the sign of Salvation. Earlier Cross was the symbol of shame and curse. But when Jesus was attached to it, it became holy and hope to human kind. The distance from curse to blessing is the “attaching of Jesus” to that.

We take our crosses. Our crosses can be of four types. It can be our own creation such as the cross that comes from our imagination and which may not be realistic. Another type of Cross can be the result of our own action and are real in nature as of the thieves who were crucified with Jesus. They deserved that cross because it was the result of their own actions. The third kind of cross is that which we suffer for the sake of others especially our dear and near ones. For example the parents live for their children and take up their day to day crosses for them. It is also their obligation. The forth type is the cross that we carry for the good of others which is fully voluntary in nature. The saints and great leaders are the examples for that.

Whatever be the nature of our cross if we attach Jesus with the cross it become a blessing. Let our prayer be as of Jesus at Gethsemane “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”.

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