Thursday, September 9, 2010

Clear Vision (Lk 6:39-42)

Jesus speaks about the importance of a clear vision. In journalism we study about objective vision of the reality. But how far we can be objective is a doubtful matter since all of us are shaped by our own culture, tradition, family background and other factors. Our vision will always be subjective and prejudiced. What we can do in this state is – aliening our vision with the vision of Jesus and his kingdom values.

The clarity of vision depends on the freedom we enjoy in our lives. It involves the mental and emotional freedom. The danger to the clarity of vision would be the bondages such as anger, selfish interests, jealousy, greed, tensions and worries, etc. In other words clarity of vision depends of the purity of the heart. Human being has the capacity to rise beyond the problems and see the things from a different perspective. But we seldom use this capacity of mind.

In the parable of prodigal son, the younger son lost his clarity of vision because of his bondages such as greed and attraction towards worldly pleasures. He got back his clear vision when he was in suffering. In the suffering he remembered his father’s love and care.

Let us purify our hart so that we also enjoy the clear vision. The difficulties and sufferings of our life may become an eye opener to us as in the case of prodigal son.

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