Monday, August 27, 2012

20th Sunday of Ordinary Time (B) - The Bread of Life Discourse

Eucharist transforms us into Jesus Christ 

-          Cannibalism still exists in some part of the word where human beings eat human being. In the initial centuries of Christianity, the Christians were equated to cannibals some people because if anybody listen to our gatherings from outside, he would listen to this, ‘this is my flesh, take it, this is my blood, drink it’. So the early Romans saw Christians as cannibals.
-          This is the same reason why Jews at the time of Jesus could not accept Jesus’ teachings on bread of life.
o   Gen 9:4 – ‘Do not eat any meat with its life blood still in it’.
o   Story of ‘Dinuguan’, a delicious dish in the Philippines with the blood of pig.

-          Why Jesus offered his body and blood for us as the food of life?
o   You are what you eat. We usually take lots of material things through our senses everyday and are disturbed. Eucharist purifies us and keeps us in the right disposition.
o   The best example is children are the flesh and blood of their parents especially their mother. They resemble the characteristics of their parents.
-          What happens in the Eucharist?
§  In the Eucharist the bread is taken, blessed, broken and given to the people. Through these processes the bread is no more the bread but the body of Christ.
a.       Taken
-    The bread for the Eucharist is taken from the many breads of the world. It is selected bread.
-    We are taken (chosen) by God to participate in the Eucharist. We are a selected people.
b.      Blessed
-    Eucharist is a blessing; it is not on our worthiness but rather a pure gift from God.
-    We also should be a blessing to others by receiving the Eucharist.
c.       Broken
-    The breaking of the bread signifies our brokenness within us. We are broken by our own problems as well as of others.
-    He knows and understands us fully – our limitations and weakness.
-    We confess our brokenness several times in the Eucharist. E.g., ‘I confess..’ , ‘though I am not worthy to receive…. say a word and I shall be healed’.  
-    He lives with us fully in the form of my brothers and sisters who are broken. Therefore accept the brokenness in our brothers and sisters.
d.      Given
-          Reminds our duty to be food drink to others. By our works and sacrifices for others Christ should live in me.
-          To take the body and blood of Jesus means fully assimilate into our being the very person of Jesus. Thus we become the living Eucharist / Christ in the society.
-          The parents should become the food and drink to the children. Our social call is to become food and drink to our fellow brethren.

-          We are called to receive the Eucharist and be the Eucharist in the society.
-          May we try to be the Eucharist
o   By positively responding the call of God for the Eucharist (taken)
o   By being a blessing,
o   By accepting our brokenness and our broken brethren
o   By giving to others by breaking myself and thus become a living Eucharist.

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