Thursday, August 9, 2012

18th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Bread of Life (Jn 6: 24-35)

Believe Him and Receive Him

-          Around 80 percent of our energy is spent for our acquiring the food for the body.
o   Eg: The parents work day and night for giving food for the family members.
-          The food that we acquire is “perishable” in today’s biblical language.
o   Sometime we work overtime for this perishable and get sick and spend all the income in the hospital.
o   The story of a mother who left her work in Middle East for the family – because she realized that her children would grow physically but not as good citizens. They need the loving presence of their mother with them for their holistic growth.  
-          Perishable things have some basic natures.
o   It never satisfies the one who owns it. The more we acquire it the more we desire it again.
§  Eg – people change car or cell phone and are never satisfied.  
o   It causes an endless desire.
§  Is there anybody who says that ‘I have enough material things?’ everybody needs more.
o   Endless desire leads to quarrels and despair.
§  Eg: The quarrels between brothers and sisters for the ancestral property.
o   There is an addictive behavior for these kinds of food. Unless we are aware of that we will be addicted to those things and spend the whole life time for those things.
§  I cannot live without a particular brand or a particular thing.
-          Today Jesus reminds us to work for the food that is imperishable in nature.

-         There are different kinds of hunger within us.
o   Physical hunger – that is compared with poverty. It is the hunger for material things.
o   Emotional hunger – that is the hunger for love, affection, care, etc.
o   Psychological hunger – we need recognition and acceptance in the society
o   Spiritual hunger – As St. Augustine said, ‘My soul is restless until it finds rest in You’. This hunger is within us since we are created in God’s image and likeness.
-          To satisfy our spiritual hunger what should we do?
1.      “Believe Jesus” - Believe in the one who was sent by the heavenly Father.
§  It should lead to total surrender
§  As Mary said, ‘Let your will be done’.
2.      “Receive Jesus” - Take the bread of life for our spiritual growth.
§  In the Holy Eucharist Jesus extends his invitation to receive him and grow towards him.

-          According to Jesus we should strive hard for the imperishable food that leads to eternal life.
-          Through the active participation in the Eucharist and reception of the Holy Communion, let us grow in spirituality.
-          May God nourish with the eternal bread.

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