Sunday, August 12, 2012

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – (Jn 6: 41-51)

Bread from Heaven


-          Past week was a week of achievements.
o   The Olympics is on. Every day new world records are born. It shows the progress of the athletes. It is an achievement.
o   The man made satellite Curiosity landed on the surface of Mars after travelling 567 million kilometers. It took around eight months to reach Mars. It is a big leap in the planetary exploration. It is a great achievement.
o   These achievements have a nature.
§  The Olympics records will be broken in the coming Olympics and new records will be set.
§  After some years the new satellite would go to another planet and will make us proud. Therefore we have lot more to achieve in all these fields.
-          In today’s gospel Jesus speaks of an achievement that is set for Human being. It is the greatest achievement that human can ever achieve. There is no higher achievement then that unlike the achievement that is mentioned earlier. That is “ETERNAL LIFE”. Jesus gives us a clue to achieve this in today’s gospel and that is - ‘the bread of life’.


-          In the first reading we heard the story of Elijah who received the bread from God and walked forty days and nights with that strength. To walk forty days and nights is something impossible for human being. But it made possible by the bread that he received from above. In other words the bread from God makes the impossible things possible.
o   Eucharist is the bread from God, which is Jesus Christ. It makes impossible things possible. Eternal life is impossibility for human being. It is made possible by the bread from above, the body of Jesus Christ.
-          Therefore what is Eucharist? – it is “Word became Flesh and Flesh became Bread”. In other words it is God the word became Human, Jesus and Jesus became the Eucharist for us.
-          I would like to mention three important functions of the Eucharist. They are;
1.      Keep us united
§  The church is united as family from the 1st century till today. It is because we gather together around the Eucharistic table on every day, especially on Sundays.
§  There is a saying, “the family that prays together stays together”. I would change that maxim in to “the family that eats together stays together” and that is what the Eucharist is. We eat from the same table and stay together.
2.      Make us spiritually strong
§  For the prevention of the deceases we take vitamin C. It keeps our body strong against the sickness.
§  There are diseases that affect out spirit. It is mentioned in the 2nd reading like bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, reviling, hopelessness, despair, envy and so on. What is the medicine for these sicknesses of the soul? It is the Eucharist.
3.      Leads us to eternal life
§  It is the promise of Jesus that those who receive the bread of life that he himself is, will live with him forever. Jesus is so faithful in his promises. So we all, who take part in the Eucharist, will live with him forever. 


-          What is the practical implication of these functions
·         If you are having a division in your family or society, come to the Eucharist and get united.
·         If you are spiritually sick, come to the Eucharist and get healed.
·         If you need life in its fullness, come to the Eucharist and receive it.
-          What should be our response to this greatest gift?
·         ‘Acceptance with gratitude’. Let us hear the call of our loving God to take part in the Eucharist everyday and fill ourselves with the divine life to achieve the greatest achievement – eternal life.

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