Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blessing of the Children (Mt 19:13-15)

The previous day the gospel passage was about the hardness of heart in the discussion of the divorce and the Law of Moses on divorce. Jesus blamed the Pharisees because of their hardness of heart. Today Jesus brings forth a model to follow against the hardness of heart, a model of child.

The child has the quality of receptivity and a sense of wonder in everything. They are receptive to new things, ideas and everything. Sometime the elders make use of this receptivity to cheat them, which is not good. They look everything with wonder.

Once I went for a movie with a friend who is a documentary film producer. We both watched the film and while we were returning we were sharing out thoughts about the film with each other. I said to him that the film was marvelous. But he began to critically analyze the film by saying that the selection of the shot was not so good, the camera angle was incorrect, the story line could be improved little bit and so on. I understood that he was too critical and so could not enjoy the movie as I enjoyed it. It is not the fault of his but could not help it since he is also a professional in the field of movie. I told him ‘to enjoy the movie you should less critical for at least the time of movie”.

In the matter of faith, to appreciate the wonders of the God in the creation we should have the receptivity of the children, a sense of “wonder” at everything that we experience in and around us. Each creation is a wonder of God, each moment is a wonder of the Divine, and each incident in my life is a wonder of His Providence. It does not mean that we should not be critical but must accept that we may not be able to grasp everything about god with our human brain.

Let us grow in the simple faith in God that would enable us to see the hand of God in everything.

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