Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday (Jn 20: 1-9)

Called to Run


- Wish you all the blessings of the Risen Lord.

- This is the greatest feast of catholic religion. Without resurrection there is no Christianity.

- If we ask to ourselves ‘which is our favorite feast’, the answer would most probably be ‘Christmas’. It may be because of the decorations, lights, shopping and lots of gifts that we exchange.

- A priest once said, ‘we are the people of Easter, but

we like to be the people of Christmas, and

we live like the people of Good Friday.

- The resurrection of Jesus reminds us that we are the people of resurrection.


- There is a verb in today’s gospel repeated several times – ‘run’.

o Mary Magdala ran to the tomb,

o She ran back to Peter and other disciple,

o Peter and the disciple ran to the tomb.

- Usually we run in an emergency situation. In danger or in fear we run. But in today’s reading they ran with wonder and joy, to spread the message that Jesus is raised. They ran with fear and joy.

- The Risen Lord calls us to run;

o Run away from darkness to the light of Jesus.

§ We call the Saturday after Good Friday as ‘Black Saturday’. It is because the light of the world is buried in a rock cut cave. We sometimes live in that state without seeing the light. Our unnecessary tensions, worries, unforgiven wounds, sinfulness etc. burry us forever inside the tomb.

§ Know that Jesus was powerful to remove the big stone of the tomb and enter into resurrection. Jesus would help those who are with Him to remove the big stones that hinder our growth towards Jesus.

§ Let us run upholding our faith and hope in the Risen Lord.

o Run towards our brothers and sisters who are in darkness.

§ Mary Magdala ran to Peter and other disciple to share the experience. Peter and other disciple too run to their friends to share their experience.

§ Jesus asks us to run to our brothers and sister who suffer from the symptoms of Good Friday or Black Saturday. The symptoms are disappointment, over worrying, despair, hopelessness, etc. It is a feeling that there is nobody to help them to get out of their ‘tomb’, by removing the ‘big stone’ of their life that hinders the light.


- Let us live as the children of the Risen Lord.

- Let us uphold faith, hope and love to run from darkness to life.

- Let us also run towards our brothers and sisters to share our faith and hope so that they too may enjoy the experience of Resurrection.

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