Sunday, April 29, 2012

4th Sunday of Easter Season – Jesus, the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:1-18)

The Qualities of the Shepherd and the Expectations on the Sheep

-          This Sunday is important in two ways;
·         It is the good shepherd Sunday
·         It is the Sunday of vocation
-          In this Sunday let us remember our duty to pray and wish for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Let us also pray for our shepherds that they may be guided by the Spirit and lead the faithful to our eternal Shepherd.

-          Today’s gospel passage depicts the qualities of the Good Shepherd and qualities the sheep should have.
-          The main qualities of Good Shepherd as narrated in the gospel are;
1.      He knows the sheep
§  The knowledge of our Shepherd is beyond our understanding.
§  It is a perfect knowledge about each of His sheep.
§  In the gospel of Mathew (10:30) we read, “Even the hairs of your head have all been counted”. He knows us in detail, our anxieties, worries, difficulties, weakness, tensions, talents, abilities, etc.
§  God says through the prophet (Jeremiah 1:5), “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb”.
2.      He loves the sheep
§  God says (Is 49: 16), “I have engraved you in my palms”.
§  If God loves us why He allow suffering?
·         We see a sheep on the shoulder of the Shepherd in the picture of Good Shepherd. Why is that sheep presented in that way? Our scripture professor told us that there was a practice among the shepherds of those times that they would break the leg of the most straying sheep in the flock and carries it on the shoulders for three to four weeks till it get cured. By that time, the sheep would special connection with the shepherd. After that treatment that sheep would never go stray or never get in to dangers.
·         The times of brokenness in our lives are therefore a time to cling on to the Shepherd and understand His love and care.
3.      He lays his life for the sheep.
§  On Good Friday we celebrated how Jesus laid his life for us, sinners, for saving us from the powers of evil.
-          The expectations of the Good Shepherd about the sheep are mentioned in the gospel, such as;
1.      The sheep must know the Shepherd
§  To love a person properly we should know him. In the marital relationship, the problems arise with the lack of proper understanding and knowledge between partners.
§  We should know the Shepherd in order to love him. The character, words and deeds of our Shepherd are written in the Bible. It is our duty to read them, reflect and meditate up on them.
2.      The sheep must listen to the Shepherd
§  There are many voices that we are open to in today’s world. Most of the voices are of the ideologies of this world such as consumerism, capitalism, materialism etc. (eg: television, radio, and other mass media). Many of them are misleading voices.
§  In order to realize the voice the Shepherd, we must spend time in prayer and silence, and tune our mind to the real voice of our Shepherd.
3.      The sheep must follow the shepherd
§  Following needs confidence and faith.
§  We are following the crucified Christ, whose ways are different from the ways of the world. We can expect sufferings and difficulties in the process of witnessing His values. Our consolation is His promise that He will be with us always (Mt 28:20).
-          Let us understand and experience our Shepherd who knows us, loves us and lays his life for us.
-          Let us be the sheep who meet His expectations by knowing Him, listening to Him and following Him.

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