Monday, February 25, 2013

2nd Sunday of Lent (C) – Transfiguration (Lk 9:228-36)

Have the goal in your mind


-          Once I went with some of the senior members for a pilgrimage, to a mountain. When we reached the destination, I thought that some of them would not make it since they were old. But to my surprise they were telling each other by looking at the statue of Jesus that was at the top of the mountain, ‘let us go and touch the statue’. The vision of the statue that was at the top of the mountain motivated them to climb the mountain.
-          In the book, the seven habits of highly effective people, Stephen covey says, ‘Begin with the end in mind’.
-          In the event of transfiguration Jesus shows the disciples the end of his journey so that they will understand and be motivated to go though the difficult way, way of suffering and cross. 


-          We have different goals in our life
o   For a student the goal is graduation day. The path to achieve is study and hard work.
o   For the couple the goal is a beautiful family life with peace and love. The path is sacrifice and forgiveness.
o   For us Christians, the goal is to be a saint, to attain heaven. The path is - follow the footsteps of Jesus by obeying the will of God always in our lives.
-          Some time we face temptations that hinder our growth towards the end. And the biggest temptation is taking away the goal from one’s mind.
o   The student may think, ‘I have to enjoy life and it is the time for that. So I have to go wherever there are fun and party’. If he/she forget his aim and begin to enjoy the life at that moment, he/she will not reach the aim successfully.
o   The husband or wife may think, ‘why should I sacrifice for my family everything that I have. I have to enjoy with my friends. If I do not get love at present, I have to try to get it from somebody else’. These thoughts may destroy the aim – “a good family”.
o   For Christians the temptations may come in their life, thinking that, ‘why should I sacrifice my enjoyments for the sake of heaven that I have not yet seen. Therefore, enjoy life now by any means. Forget about the future’.
-          The way that Jesus teaches us to achieve the aim is,
o   Go to the mountain with Jesus
o   Remain with Jesus
o   Comedown with Jesus


-          The problems that we may face in climbing the mountain can be;
o   Lazy in climbing the mountain
§  Not ready to take the sacrifice for a cause
o   Climbing without Jesus
§  Taking the cross by cursing and unwillingly
o   Not ready to climb down the mountain
§  Not accepting the reality of suffering and cross. It leads to disappointed.
§  Ignoring the way to transfiguration.
-          Let us climb the mountain with Jesus, be there on the top with Jesus, and come down from the mountain with Jesus.

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