Saturday, February 4, 2012

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time – (Mk 1:29-39)

Healing Jesus


- Today’s gospel may be divided into four parts; Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law, Jesus healed many, he went to pray, he continued his mission.

- After reading today’s gospel reading, the first two parts, a man asked Jesus; “Jesus, you alleviated the sufferings of all those people who came to you. But why are you silent now? All those around me are suffering from different problems and what are you doing for them?” Jesus answered; “I have done a great thing for them. I created you to take care of them”. Again the man said; “Jesus I do not have time and energy to spare for them since I have lot of work to do for myself. I am tired when I am back home. Jesus said; “I too were tired at the end of each day, but look at what I did. Read the gospel passage thoroughly”. The man saw the words that say “rising very early before dawn he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed”. Now he got the answer to his problem, and the way to get the power to work for others.


- ‘Law battery’ is a message that is often shown in the electronic equipments like cell phone and lap tops. It indicates the need to recharge. It is applicable to our lives too. We sometimes feel we lack energy to spend quality time with the partner, children and the dear and near ones.

- The reasons may be – routines, sickness, stress and anxieties, depression, financial worries, over working, bad habits such as smoking, drinking etc.

- The usual tendency of us to re-energize is, to go for a vacation, to go to some tourist places. But even after spending the days in a resort we come back more tired.

- Jesus wishes us to be re-energized every day.

- What should we do to get the energy back? Get connected to Jesus, the source of power. Prayer is the cable that connects us with that power source. Our daily prayer re-energizes us to do the works of His Kingdom in our everyday life.

- Jesus had the habit of praying early morning or late in the evening. That is the time where everything is still and no disturbance. For prayer there should be sufficient calmness and the right ambiance.


- There are different kinds of people in today’s gospel as a model for us;

o ‘Mother-in-law of Simon’ – when she received the blessings she began to serve Jesus and his disciples

o ‘They’ brought them to Jesus (v.32). It the duty of good friends to bring those who are need of healing touch to Jesus that they might experience the Divine.

- Let us be connected to Jesus through our spiritual exercises and serve Him as the mother-in-law of Simon. Let us bring to Him all who are in need of His healing touch.

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