Sunday, January 8, 2012

Feast of Epiphany (Mt 2:1-12)

Journey with the Three Kings


- Epiphany means manifestation or appearance. Jesus is manifested as the light of the whole world, especially of the gentiles.

- Epiphany is celebrated in some of the eastern catholic groups much more solemnly than December 25. The theology behind the solemn celebration is as follows; On the December 25th Jesus is revealed to the Jews as their savior. On that day the reading are of the shepherds and how they saw Jesus. Thus we travel with the shepherd to the manger to adore Jesus, who is the savior of the Israel. Whereas on the day of Epiphany Jesus is revealed as the light of the whole world. We travel with the eastern kings who were gentiles, to visit Jesus, the light of the world. Since they are ‘gentiles’ and ‘of the east’, they thought, it would be more meaningful to celebrate epiphany than December 25.

- We are also ‘gentiles’ and ‘eastern’. Therefore it is an important feast for us.


- Let us journey with three eastern wise men to meet Jesus. Let us go through the different stages of their journey.

o They observed the sign

§ They were specialists in observing the sky and found out the ‘special light’, a ‘divine star’.

§ To begin our journey we should have the capacity of ‘observing’. We should observe what is happening in our lives, in our family, and in our relationships. Then we will find the presence of God, the divine light which is the gift of God. We, then, will begin to realize the gifts of God in our life. In fact each moment of life is a gift from God.

o They began their travel

§ They left everything that they had and began their journey to see Jesus. Leaving behind the things and the security that we have, “our self”, is a must in the travel to find our Jesus.

§ Our prayer time is a travel in search of the Divine, a travel into our own inner being to find out the Divine presence within us. The holy Eucharist is a journey where we receive Jesus at the Holy Communion.

§ There may be difficulties in our travel, like what happened to the three kings in the palace of King Herod. It can be called ‘the dark night of the soul’ according to St. John of the Cross. It can be overcome by our consistency in our spiritual exercises.

o They found Jesus and offered Him the gifts

§ They adored Jesus and offered the gifts when they finally reached at the presence of Jesus.

§ What are the gifts that we have to present to Jesus? Is it gold, or frankincense, or myrrh as the three kings presented? It is our own self or our total being.

§ It is a total surrender of our will to His will.

§ After surrendering we would say with St. Paul, ‘it is no longer I who live, it is Christ who lives in me’ (Gal 2:20).

o They returned through another way

§ “Another way” is an important phrase to be noted.

§ After meeting Jesus transformation take place in us, it makes us in to a better person.

§ It is a call to improve our self, our relationships, our character and our behavior; and to go back to our home/working place/class rooms/ communities.


- Let us follow the three wise men to Jesus by observing, traveling, meeting and returning from Jesus to our ordinary life situations.

- Let this experience may guide to renew our lives.

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