Saturday, September 10, 2011

24th Sunday of Ordinary Times – Forgiveness (Mt 18:21-35)

Resembling God’s Forgiveness


- Do we need forgiveness from God?

o I have heard people saying in their conversation – I have not confessed for years because I do not commit any big sin in my life.

o The answer for those people is 1Jn 1:8 – “No one is without sin. If anyone believes that he is without sin, he is deceiving himself and the truth is not in him”.

o The proverb says (24:16) that even the righteous person falls seven times.

- Therefore we all need forgiveness from God. We are weak and sinful human being with lot of limitations and finiteness.


- Today’s readings speaks of three things that all should keep in our mind when we think of receiving God’s forgiveness.

1. God’s forgiveness in a free blessings

o It not something that we can buy as if from a shop - giving something in return.

o It depends purely on the mercy of God. God is full of love and mercy.

o It is given abundantly for those who ask for it.

2. God’s forgiveness is a blessings for which we have to show our gratefulness

o The prayer “Our Father” – ‘forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us’. Are we taking this prayer seriously?

o Share God’s blessing of forgiveness with our brothers and sisters and thus show gratitude to God.

3. Forgiveness is a blessing that does not have any limit.

o Peter, in today’s Gospel, broadened his mind to forgive 7 times. But for Jesus it is not enough. Jesus looks for 7x77 times. It is unlimited.


- Whom should we forgive?

o “Charity begins at home”, is a proverb that is applicable also to forgiveness. Forgiveness should be practiced with in our families, between partners, parents and children, in the office, among the neighbors etc.

- Also make it a point to receive the forgiveness of God through the sacrament of reconciliation.

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