Sunday, March 27, 2011

3rd Sunday of Lent – Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (Jn 4:5-15)

Call to Unity and Inclusiveness


- Whenever the stranger meets me they ask are you a foreigner, what country you belong to, what is your religion ….. Every question is an inquiry to the difference that makes what I am.


- We build our identity by exploring the differences – for example our place of origin in comparison with others, our color, our physical features, the language we speak, financial position, etc.

- Therefore we concentrate what are the differences that make us unique.

- Samaritan woman was also one like us who concentrates on the differences. It is evident from her remarks

o Gender – you are male asking water from a female.

o Ethnicity – You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan.

o Religious tradition – Your worship in Jerusalem and we in the mount of Gerizim.

o Social difference is evident in her conversation – as Jews as high class.

- It is trend of exclusiveness and building barriers. But Jesus’ approach is different. His approach is inclusiveness and breaking barriers.

- Inclusiveness is seen in this passage as;

o Give me water – breaking the social barrier

o Jesus is the Messiah of all – not only of the ‘chosen people’

o The concept of living water that has no limits

o Worship in spirit and in truth


- The duty of disciple is to follow the example to overcome the differences and be inclusive.

- We have our differences and barriers and we create new every day. It can be inside a family (e.g.: side of mother and side of the father) in the working place, in the society and in the nation (Mindanao vs. the main land).

- To break the barriers we should remember that we all are the children of Heavenly Father and therefore we all are brothers and sisters. If so, the wealth that I am enjoying (which is of my father) has to be shared with my brethren since he also has equal right for that. Here, helping others is not a charity but an obligation.

- I should feel others pain and sufferings since he is my brother or sister.

- Eucharist is a feast of inclusiveness. Here there is no difference. Everybody are equal.

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