Monday, November 8, 2010

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time – The question about the resurrection (Lk 20: 27-38)


- We are nearing the end of liturgical year. The end of this month is the beginning of the advent and the preparation for the birth of Jesus (Christmas). Therefore we are given the passage to reflect about the last things such as death, judgment, reward and punishment.

- First reading is about the martyrdom and the hope of resurrection. The psalm is about enduring in the persecution. The second reading is about the original teaching about the second coming of Jesus, and the gospel also speaks about resurrection.

- Let us reflect on the last things and the content of today’s discussion, the marriage.


- Why there is no marriage in heaven? To answer this question we should go to purpose of marriage. The two purpose of marriage are conjugal love and procreation as the result of the love.

o People need love and care especially from the partner unless they are called with special vocation. The human being always long for something on this earth. A part of that longing is fulfilled with the love from the partner. But it does not mean that the longing is fully satisfied with that love. It is fully satisfied when we meet our creator, God. So when we reach in heaven there is no more longing for anything. We will be fully satisfied and it pacifies the need for a marriage.

o In heaven there is no death any more. So there is no need of any procreation that is meant to substitute and keep up the life. Therefore there is no need for any marriage in heaven.

o It is also a call to reflect the marriage life. Does the couple give enough love to each other? Are they faithful enough to their partners? Whether the marital relation is open to procreation? and how we train the new generation?

- What are the realities that are waiting for us after our life? They are judgment, reward, and punishment. (heaven, purgatory and hell).

o Each one of us has to face these realities.

o The basis for judgment is our works of charity. “I was sick, you visited me; I was hungry, you gave me food; I was thirsty, you gave me drink; I was in prison, you visited me……..”

o A call to help the poor and needy.


- Reflect about the family life.

- Reflect about the “population explosion” which is the creation of the west.

- Reflect on our actions by looking forwards to attain the kingdom of God.

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