Thursday, July 29, 2010

Faith in Life with the Risen Lord (Jn 11: 19-27)

There are 3 ways of looking at life and using the materials that we have;

1. I have to live today. I want to enjoy today. I am not bothered about tomorrow where anything can happen. These people will not even listen to the advice of the doctors to control the diet that may shorten their life. They are also not worried about the savings.
2. I have to life till death. I have to enjoy life till my death. Therefore to live peacefully till my death I may forgo certain pleasures of today. The diabetic patient may sacrifice the sugar coated eatables in order to live till my death.
3. I have to live eternally. I have to enjoy the eternal life. They believe in life after death. They are the religious people. Here the aim is eternal life. Therefore I am ready to share my materials with others in need and ready for sacrifices in order to have treasure in heaven.

Most of the people come under the second and third category. Jesus tells them three truths. They are;
1. Death is not the end of life
2. Enjoy the eternal life is possible even when we are living in this world.
3. Eternal life is the life with Christ or sharing the life of Christ. (“I am the Resurrection and Life”)

Are we sharing the life of Christ? Can we say as St. Paul said, “it is no more that I am living but Christ lives in me”? The saints are there for as models to follow.

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