Saturday, August 20, 2011

21st Sunday of Ordinary Times – Declaration of Peter (Mt 16:13-20)

Key to the Heart of Jesus


- It is said that the key to a man’s heart is his stomach, the key to a women’s heart is ‘shopping’ and the key to a child’s heart is ‘chocolate’. It may be of an old saying. Things might have changed with the new technologies and development.

- What is the key to the Heart of Jesus? Peter gives us the answer in today’s gospel reading.

- The key is “Know the truth and proclaim it”.


- Two things are important to get into the heart of Jesus – Know the truth and proclaim the truth.

1. Knowing – Peter knew who Jesus was. “You are the Son of God, the Messiah”.

o In the Knowledge there are two parts as it is shown in the gospel.

§ Knowledge on what do others say

· Jesus asked peter “what do others say that I am?” Peter knew it very well – “some say that you are John the Baptist; others, Elijah; others’ one of the prophet…..”

· We should have the knowledge on what do others say about things that are related to our faith. Eg; we should know what do others say about RH bill and why do they say that. Some say that poverty is caused by over population and RH bill is a solution to poverty. They ignore the fact of corruption, the real cause of poverty and support the RH bill which blocks the natural flow of life and thus stands against God’s will. Eg; the exhibition in CCP – some say that “freedom of expression is a right”. But the question is; can we have an absolute freedom that allows us to do whatever we like? Is it allowed to hurt the feelings of others through our freedom?

§ Knowledge on what you have to say

· Our convictions should flow from two sources – the Word and the Teachings of the Church

· Word of God is the treasure of truth.

· Church is built up on the rock – peter, and is guided by the follower of peter, the present pope. He has the power of infallibility in the matter of faith and moral issues. So we have the obligation to know and obey the teachings of the church.

2. Proclaim the truth – Peter proclaimed the truth that ‘Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God’.

§ There are two ways to proclaim, through our words and our deeds.

§ In this new media era, we have amble of opportunities like facebook, twitter, etc. to proclaim our convictions.

§ Proclamation through deeds has more witnessing value in today’s context. When we respect the life and nurture it by our help we proclaim that we are for life (in the context of RH bill). If we restrain from hurting other’s feeling by respecting our brothers and sisters we silently proclaim that we use our freedom responsibly (in the context of Exhibition in CCP).


- Let us the disciples of Jesus who

o Know the truth and

o Proclaim the truth

- Thus, following the example of Peter, let us have the key to enter into the heart of Jesus.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

20th Sunday of Ordinary Times – Jesus and the Canaanite Woman (Mt 15:21-28)

The Real Faith


- Do we have faith? Yes, sure. Is our faith the real faith that Jesus wishes us to have? We have to examine.

- Story – women who prayed to move the mountain from the front side of her house – after the 9 day novena prayer she did not see any change – “I knew that nothing would happen” – “I wasted my time”.


- Three important statements on faith from today’s gospel.

- Faith is not the knowledge of Doctrine/teaching but complete trust in the Person.

o If knowledge is the basis of faith, Satan would be the first. Satan quotes the bible so fluently at the temptation of Jesus.

o The Canaanite women did not have much knowledge about the Old Testament or the Salvation History, still she had the faith in the Person of Jesus. The Pharisees and the scribes had the knowledge but did not have the faith.

o Faith is the conviction that God will touch my life.

o Faith is throwing oneself into the hands of God.

- The true faith will not be lost even if others call you ‘dog’.

o There can be ‘dog situation’ in our life. It can be in the form of insult from others, failures of life, humiliating experiences, our weaknesses and problems.

o Story of a man going to a spiritual master – if god does not answer my prayer I will lose my faith – master – you cannot lose what you do not have.

o In our failures (dog situations) let us cry out to God.

- True Faith is not only calling God’s name, but also obeying His words and commends.

o Story – I am attending mass everyday – but people call me “cobra”, the poisonous. Why? Because you do not live what you believe.

o Prayer and faith actions are two sides of the same coin. One without other is incomplete.


- Let us be people with true and authentic faith in the person of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

19th Sunday of Ordinary Times – Walking on the sea (Mt 14: 22-33)

Different Faces of Peter


· The bible passages are not just incidents but have a meaning for today. It is just a ‘sign’ that has relevance in our day to day life.

· Story – in a fire mishap in a multistory building – the small child was caught in the second floor – father told him when he appeared on the sunshade – jump – with hesitance he jumped – escaped with minor injuries – later he reflected – from where he got the courage to jump – faith and confidence in the words of the father and thoughts about the life threatening situation.


· In today’s gospel we see different faces of Peter

1. Recognizing Peter

o Peter recognized that it was Jesus, not the ‘ghost’.

o Jesus appears when and where we least expect him.

o In the first reading, Elijah expected “powerful” God in the storm, earthquake, and fire. But God spoke to him from the breeze, in the silence where Elijah never expected.

o In our daily life God may appear in the form of friends, a piece of advice, a book, a homily, or even in the form of an enemy. Let us have the eyes of faith to recognize Him.

2. Courageous and venturing Peter

o He was focused on Jesus and the words of Jesus “do not be afraid”. It gave him strength.

o Jesus is the strength and refuge of all of us.

3. Fearful Peter

o When he looked at the waves, storm, and other disturbing realities around him he lost his focus on Jesus. He became over worried and anxious. He forgot Jesus for a moment. Then he began to ‘sink’ in the water.

o In our life when we become over worried about the problems we forget Jesus and begin to ‘sink’ in the problem.

o The deeper we ‘sink’ the more we forget Jesus. That is the nature of the worldly anxieties and worries.

o The problems can be those arise out of our relationships, workplace, class rooms, my weakness, etc.

4. Re-orienting Peter

o Peter, realizing that he is sinking, re-oriented himself to Jesus.

o The prayer came from within “save me, Lord”

o God gives us chances to re-orient towards him. Through the sacraments and spiritual exercises we can re-orient towards Him once again.

5. Peter in the safe hands

o When Jesus heard the prayer, he stretched out His hand and peter was saved.

o The love of Jesus towards us is so great.

o Peter must have caught Jesus hand strongly since he was at the point of death.

o During our difficult times, at the stage of ‘sinking’ let us cry to God and catch his hand. He is beyond all the problems and he will save us


· No human being in this world is without tension and worries, problems and difficulties.

· Our greatest consolation is Jesus is with us, the loving God, to help us by stretching His hand.

· Let us catch hold of His hand.